What is vCard-Go ?
vCard-Go is a very simple web app designed to allow NFC tags to easily share vCards.
Why do you need vCard-Go ?
Because you can't store vCard files (.vcf files) directly onto an NFC tag. iPhones cannot read .vcf files stored on an NFC tag and will not respond.
What is the solution ?
The solution is that you create a .vcf vCard file, store it on a server and then link to it with a web link stored on the NFC tag. All mobile phones can read web links.
But this is a hassle.
vCard-Go allows you to create the content of your vCard file in a squashed version inside a web link. By encoding this link onto an NFC tag, anyone scanning the tag will follow the link to vCard-Go.com which will dynamically use that data to create the vCard file for instant download.
Why store the data on the link, not the server ?
Because this way, we don't hold anyone's personal information in any way - and you can be sure that your important contact information isn't outside your full control.
How do you change your vCard information ?
Simply enter your details again, create a new vCard Link and write it to your NFC tag.
How to encode/write an NFC Tag ?
Read our information page on how to encode your vCard Link to an NFC tag.
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